by Howard B. Richman
Techniques and strategies provides lead generation tips for building a cash gifting downline. A lot of people get excited about cash gifting, thinking that the money will start rolling in without doing any work. Although many cash gifting programs don’t like to identify themselves as a “business” you have to realize that certain business truths will still apply. Particularly, in the realm of advertising and marketing, there are predictable ratios. Normally between 1-5% of your prospects will actually be interested in what you have to offer. This means that if you want 100 people to sign up, you will have to get at least 10,000 people to CONSIDER what you are offering. This means you have to get off your butt and do some SERIOUS MARKETING. Otherwise, you will be one of the people who believes that cash gifting does not work. You need to learn how to get people to become interested in your program. This includes how to market cash gifting programs, how to find new people, how to advertise cash gifting and how to promote a cash gifting program successfully.
Please consider this: You don’t have to do ALL of the things listed below to successfully market your cash gifting program. See what feels comfortable to you. But the more methods of marketing you use, the more likely you will see results.
Another thing to consider is that the tips below are also applicable to other network marketing businesses, including MLM, multilevel marketing companies.
Word of Mouth.
In this electronic age, we often forget about just normal communication. Don’t be shy to mention what you are doing to people as you speak with them. Of course, not everyone will get it but there will be a number of people who will instantly get excited.
Create a PRE-CAPTURE PAGE Website.
These are sometimes called “landing pages” or “squeeze pages.” They create a short one-page exciting explanation of your program with a link on what to do next. You sometimes will have a little more control on this type of web page rather than promoting the duplicated website that is offered by your cash gifting program.
If you already have a website, you could create a new page off your existing website and promote your cash gifting program. If you don’t already have a website, you can get a free page from many, many companies. Some of the more popular offers are from wordpress, blogger, Google Sites and Wix.
Learn about SEO (Search Engine Optimization).
Make sure that the text on your page mentions the important keywords that people would be searching for. And also try to do link exchanges. This is where you link to other websites and in exchange, they will link back to you. Google will rank your page higher if it detects inbound links to your page.
Write an Article.
Create an interesting article that gives information on your topic. This should be written maybe with your personal slant, offering an aspect of the topic that maybe has not yet been mentioned elsewhere. There are many services that will syndicate your article for a reasonable fee. And/or you could post this article on your website.
Make a Video.
Create a positive and to-the-point video and post it on youtube or one of the other video-posting sites. Make sure you include the keywords that you think people will be searching for so people will find your video.
Do Cooperative Advertising.
This is where many, many people pitch in and share the cost of an ad. There is always some type of “ad rotater” where, based on how much you pay, your ad will show up a certain percentage of the time. Normally an ad for one person would be prohibitive. But if each person contributes a nominal fee, you can get a piece of the promotional pie.
Build Your Own Highly-Profitable Optin email List.
The best way to make money on the internet is to market your offer to your OWN profitable optin list. Here are two excellent lead-building systems that you should consider for any home business.
Rent a List of “Opportunity Seekers.”
A quality opportunity seeker mailing lists offers sub-categories targeted including: opportunity seekers, MLM leads, extra income seekers, home businesses, work from home, get rich quick buyers, mail order buyers and much more. Make sure that the leads are fresh and not over promoted.
With mailing lists you can:
1) Send out Postcards.
2) Send our fliers
3) Do email Blasts.
HERE ARE THREE SOURCES FOR LISTS THAT I RECOMMEND FOR CLEAN LISTS AND FRESH NAMES: They have authorized me to give out this coupon code which will give you about a $10 discount, depending on the amount of names you purchase: Coupon Code: gp777 Click on the Lists tab. The best one is the “Big Dollar Program Buyers.”
Join a “Safe List.”
A “safe list” is a mailing list of subscribers who have “opted in” to request your information. This means that when you send out an email to the list, you will NEVER be accused of spamming! There are hundreds of safe lists you can join. I really like the MegaSafelistNetwork, which is available through blast4traffic. They have a list of 70 MILLION Targeted – Opt-In Prospects That’s 2.3 MILLION Every Day! All emailing goes out from their servers. The most amazing thing is that they only charge $34.50 for a LIFETIME MEMBERSHIP!
Use Leads Generator with Phone Broadcasting.
297 Club is an amazing lead generator. I’ve talked to the creator, Paul Farman and he is the real deal. He offers a very exciting bundle of products. His “scrapers” are programmed to collect emails or phone numbers from parts of the internet that you can control. You can even specify the topic area, like “income opportunity” or “weight loss” etc. Then he includes a sophisticated phone broadcaster that will automatically call people with your pre-recorded message. (You don’t have to use the phone broadcaster if you prefer to only collect the email addresses!) Here is the great part: Once you buy his program, you get free upgrades for LIFE. If you were to purchase all 7 of his scrapers and products INDIVIDUALLY, the price would be $679. But he is offering a bundle package for $297. He only sells this via affiliates I am one of his affiliates. You actually make two payments: $97 to Paul Farman and $200 to the affiliate (Howard Richman.)
Make Fliers.
Fliers don’t cost too much and give people a physical “thing” to hold in their hand which sometimes can be better than an email.
Post Classified Ads in Newspapers and Magazines.
Quick concise headline with a phone number in your local “throw away” paper can be pretty cheap and reach quite a broad audience.
Post Online Classified Ads.
Craigslist, Backpage, etc. Note: some cash gifting programs do not allow this type of advertising and you should always respect the rules of the program that you have joined.
Participate in Forums and Blogs.
Sign up for many different forums and blogs and post a little comment and link back to your web page.
Use Social Networking Channnels like facebook, myspace and twitter.
“Viral marketing” is what they call the magic of people telling others and those in turn telling others. With the right campaign, you could have instant success.
Do not be Tempted by PPC (Pay Per Click) Programs like Google AdWords.
These are ways that you literally pay for your ad to be listed near the top of Google search results for desired keywords. The problem is that in most cases, the leads that this will generate will NEVER outweigh the COSTS and you will be saddled with an overwhelming bill by the end of the month.